金アレ対応 #316L とは

What is #316L for gold allergies?

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This is VALEGIO🌟

This time, we will introduce the metal allergy-friendly material handled by VALEGIO.

"316L" "Surgical stainless steel" "316L stainless steel"

We will explain what "316L Surgical Stainless Steel" is.

[What is 316L surgical stainless steel?]

It is one of the least allergenic stainless steels and is ideal for people with metal allergies as it is also used in medical equipment .

In the JIS standard, it is called "316L".

This is a special stainless steel with excellent properties, such as being rust-resistant and resistant to discoloration, corrosion, oxidation, and heat.

You can even wear it in the bath or hot spring!

Surgical stainless steel is resistant to scratches, rust, and discoloration without the need for special care.

You can keep it in like-new condition forever.

There are many different causes of allergies, so it is difficult to generalize, but it is certain that this material is less likely to cause allergies.

[To sum up... ]

  • Ideal for people with metal allergies
  • Rust resistant
  • Not easily discolored
  • Resistant to corrosion, oxidation and heat
  • Hot springs and baths are OK as they are
  • No special care required

There are various benefits such as the above!!

Of course, those with metal allergies

Even for everyone else, 316L stainless steel has many advantages, so please consider using it!

VALEGIO's "Metal Allergy Friendly 316L" collection is available here 👀

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